Yesterday was the first day that the office felt usable. Today I am using it. It still needs a bit of organizational help from The Container Store, but until I can afford such a makeover, this will do!
The pictures go sort-of clockwise around the room, starting from standing in the doorway.

(above: wall of Ikea shelves which Jason installed for me. Full of my office supplies. I may be addicted to office supplies. Also, you can see the door out to the deck.)

(above: The other half of the deck door (they're French doors, I guess) and my desk area.)

(above: I am planning to get rid of the ugly rubbermaid drawers as soon as I can, but right now they have weird things that I am not sure what else to do with, such as: unused-but-necessary electric cords of various sorts, and flashlights. Also, the lovely pegboard/art-thing!)

(above: looking out into the hallway)