My way of celebrating/recovering from 2.5 days of testing: a pedicure and some new yarn.

The exam seemed so crazy to me: more than 800 people took the test when I did. We were at a convention center, apparently one of the only places in the state that can accommodate that many test-takers using laptops - something about needing capacity for all of the electricity & power cords (there was a separate room for people handwriting, and I can't imagine how much their hands must hurt!). Testing began at 8am each day, and we had to be there early to register & set up. The first two days had three, 2 hour and 15 minute sessions (three questions per session), and the final day just had one 2 hour and 15 minute session. If I think about it too much, I realize that that is 15.75 hours of testing. On anything regarding the 21 subjects I've been studying since mid-June. Nuts!